We are a church in Lenexa, KS, that was born, like every Kingdom work, through much beauty and shared struggle.
Our heritage stems from the work of church planters and networks who invested in people, neighborhoods, and projects in the urban center of Kansas City. The foundation of our heritage is an unwavering commitment to stand firm for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe that God launched this church to forge a new pathway for the gospel. We have the blessing of standing on the shoulders of godly men and women who came before us and gave their lives to see the gospel of Jesus Christ change everything. We are a grateful community, a hardworking family, seeking for God to transform our lives, and organizing everything we do with the ultimate purpose of glorifying God.
We worship the risen Christ unashamedly, we preach the Living Word unapologetically, we cultivate courageous disciples prayerfully, and we hold fast to the grace of God. There is nothing on earth like the Church of the Triune God, and Redeemer Fellowship Church exists to see it grow in depth, increase in maturity, and expand the impact of the kingdom of God, for the glory of God.
Nothing less.
We invite you to be a part of God’s mission because His mission is the only one that lasts.