Partnering With Parents
Our goal in RedeemerKIDS is to help children become transformed disciples who are dependent, resilient, and sent. In other words, to become changed followers of Jesus who see their continual need for him, build their life on him as their sure foundation, and participate in the mission of making disciples that Jesus calls all Christians to. We long to see our children come to know and love Jesus and his Word.
We have classrooms at both services for 1 year olds through 5th graders. Each class utilizes curriculum from The Gospel Project and walks through the entire Bible over the span of three years. Every week, our children hear how the Bible points to Jesus, pray, practice memory verses, build relationships with peers and leaders, and have fun!
You will need to register your children through our check in system, Church Center. Each child receives a tag with a security code that corresponds to a tag that the parents use when they pick their children up after the service.
Security volunteers help make sure our classrooms are safe, and all volunteers are required to undergo background tests and safety trainings.
A volunteer will help you register for the first time, or you can create an account and check your child in before you arrive.
Babies and Toddlers
Our 1-3 year olds meet in the basement of our sanctuary building. They utilize the same curriculum as our older kids, but a simpler version. They hear the Bible story, practice memory verses, hear songs of truth, have prayer time, snacks*, and lots of play!
A private mother’s room is available for moms in our main building.
*We serve cheerios and water most weeks and sometimes animal crackers! Children with allergies can wear an “Allergy Alert” sticker available at our check-in stations.
PreK - 5th Grade
After checking in with their leaders in the sanctuary building lobby, our PreK through 5th graders attend the beginning of the adult worship service in the sanctuary with their families. We love having this time where the young and old are altogether worshiping God through music.
After worship through music, PreK-5th graders are dismissed to meet their leaders in the lobby then walk together to Luther Hall for RedeemerKIDS.
Once in Luther Hall, the kids spend time walking through the Gospel Project curriculum tailored to each age group. They learn how each book of the Bible points to Jesus, practice memory verses, work on activities together, and have fun!