We all come from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, but we believe the gospel is good news for everyone. We design our Sunday gatherings to bring each and every one of us face-to-face with the gospel at the point of our need.
Our goal is not to manufacture a particular feeling or experience, but we hope and trust that as we come face to face with the truth of who Jesus is and what he’s done, we will be deeply affected and our lives will be transformed for his glory.

01 | WHEN
Sunday at 8:30a & 10:30a
02 | WHERE
9135 Haskins St
Lenexa KS 66215
03 | WHAT
Our services are simple and follow a basic pattern that is traced back to the early church. We sing, we confess our sins, we hear the assurance of the gospel, we teach from the Bible, and we respond by taking communion together.
Our services follow the same basic order each week. We hear a call to worship, sing, confess our sins, and hear the assurance of the gospel. They normally last around 90 minutes.
We normally preach through books of the Bible, and will occasionally do sermons or series on specific topics.
Communion is the culmination of our service every week. Anyone who has put their faith in Jesus is welcome to the table.
Each week we have people from various backgrounds and beliefs who gather with us. Most of our church consists of younger families, but we have people from every generation who call Redeemer home.
Our goal is that no matter your background, you will encounter Jesus and his grace.
We keep kids in the service for worship. From there, some families choose to keep their kids with them during our service, and many drop them off in RedeemerKIDS.
Our RedeemerKIDS volunteers work hard every week to teach your kids in a welcoming, fun, and safe environment. Learn more by clicking here.
Our students (5th-12th grade) gather Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM. The time consists of worship, teaching, and small groups discussion.
Small groups are led by screened adult leaders who love them and are equipped to mentor students as they pursue God through scripture and whole life discipleship.
We all join in the work of cultivating disciples of Jesus who live for the glory of God. Many of our members meet in groups to pray and support each other, and we have regular spiritual formation opportunities for men and women. We hope that our church is regularly growing in Jesus and pushing back darkness in our community as we live for the glory of God.
If you have more questions about anything, please reach out and let us know. office@rf.church