We all come from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, but we believe the gospel is good news for everyone. We design our Sunday gatherings to bring each and every one of us face-to-face with the gospel at the point of our need.

Our goal is not to manufacture a particular feeling or experience, but we hope and trust that as we come face to face with the truth of who Jesus is and what he’s done, we will be deeply affected and our lives will be transformed for his glory.

01 | WHEN

Sunday at 8:30a & 10:30a

02 | WHERE

9135 Haskins St
Lenexa KS 66215

03 | WHAT

Our services are simple and follow a basic pattern that is traced back to the early church. We sing, we confess our sins, we hear the assurance of the gospel, we teach from the Bible, and we respond by taking communion together.